Frequency Asked Question
May multiple new Individual be created for one account?
If you make sure you have authorization from others, we support multiple new Individual for one account, and there is no upper limit to the number.
What data and data-formats are supported for importing DNAChron?
You can upload Y high-throughput data, whole-genome data, and MT high-throughput data in fastq, bam, or cram formats. We also support basic genetic data types, including txt and csv sequencing data files downloaded from platforms like 23andMe and MyAncestry, as well as genetic analysis result files in vcf format. However, we recommend providing data in fastq, bam, or cram formats to fully experience the high-precision analysis of the DNAChron algorithm.
Is it possible to import sequencing data from different companies for the same Individual?
You can import sequencing data from different labs for same Individual, but you must make sure that the data is from the same Individual. Otherwise, it will lead to analysis errors. And we will combine the different data into one total set.
Why do we need to fill in the year of birth?
If you provide the year of birth, we can estimate the age according to the actual year of birth; if you do not provide it, the age will be estimated according to the year of birth as 1970. Filling in the year of birth will help you to get more accurate age estimation data.
Does DNAChron analyze the MTDNA data?
Currently, we only analyze the statistics of MTDNA data.
What are the quality control requirements of DNAChron for users’ sequencing data?
To ensure the reliability of our analysis, we require your sequencing data to have at least 2,500,000 high-quality base pairs (bp) within reliable regions.
How can we know if the analysis of imported data has been completed or the data does not meet QC requirements?
We will send you a private message or email to the email you provided to remind you that the data analysis is completed or the data does not meet the QC requirements and you need to re-import the data.
What reference sequence is used for the DNAChron?
We use the T2Tv2 reference sequence. You can download it from the following link: chm13v2.0_maskedY_rCRS.fa.gz.
Why does DNAChron only display one mutation name by default for duplicate named SNPs?
Based on the need for a neat page display and the fact that many SNPs have been repeatedly named by different institutions, even after a long time after successful submission to ybrowse, we select the earliest named mutation as the default display item in the parent tree according to the mutation naming time. A toggle button is also set to meet your need to view other named items. For mutation naming time, please refer to our open source mutation database hosted on Github.
What is a “Possible Branch” in Private Mutations?
Based on the coverage of the sequencing data, certain mutations might belong to the upstream branch of the individual or to a sibling branch. If it belongs to the upstream branch, it’s because the sibling branch wasn’t covered, meaning the mutation could appear at any node between the individual and the possible branch. If it belongs to the sibling branch, it’s likely due to low sequencing quality at that site in the individual, making it uncertain, while the sibling branch detected that site. Sometimes, this could be a shared mutation. Such mutations are usually low quality, rated with one star, and classified as low-quality sites. If you detect such mutations, you can view them by clicking the “Show All” button.
What is the Purpose of Tree Uncertainty?
Based on the coverage of sequencing data, nodes between different branches of the paternal tree or different individuals may merge. For example, your result may merge with other branches or individuals, and similarly, other branches may merge in reverse with your result. By displaying “Tree Uncertainty,” we provide a richer set of analytical insights.
What are the Advantages of Whole Genome Sequencing?
Whole genome sequencing enhances your sequencing coverage, and the PCR-free sequencing strategy significantly reduces sequencing errors. With these data advantages, we can provide you with more accurate data analysis, age estimation, and tree differentiation. Moreover, using the T2T reference sequence, you can access a complete 39M analyzable region.
How does DNAChron protect your privacy?
We will store your registration information, Individual information, analysis-result information, and genetic information data separately on the cloud, and protect them in all aspects through reasonable and feasible security measures such as technology, hardware, and management process. We do not provide genetic information, samples, or sample derivatives that to any third party unless we have your authorization or are required by applicable laws and regulations. In addition, we will not share your name or other commonly identifiable information related to your genetic data with third parties unless required by law to comply with a valid subpoena or court order or with your express consent.
How to get more answers?
You can also send a email to [email protected] for help.